26 dec. 2009

Julgudstjänst på Riga 2

Vi kom till gudstjänsten en halvtimme innan gudstjänsten skulle börja. Det var redan fullt i lokalen, ca 150 personer, men fler var på väg in och då gudstjänsten skulle börja var det säkert 200 personer i lokalen, som egentligen är dimensionerad för drygt 100.
En och en halvtimme före gudstjänsten kommer de flesta för att se en kristen film som alltid visas före gudstjänsten. Folk har gott om tid. Nästan alla i publiken är hemlösa.

Under gudstjänsten invigdes även en ny soldat. Det var den tredje soldatinvigningen under året.

Samtidigt hälsades fyra nya rekryter välkomna.

Ungdomarna på kåren spelade upp ett drama som handlade om hur en flicka prövade synden (=skylten på ryggen) och fastnade. Hon försökte på olika sätt att komma loss. Olka slags personer försökte hjälpa henne loss med olika metoder. Men inte förrän det nyinvigde soldaten kom in och läste Bibeln för henne kunde hon komma loss från synden.

Under julgudstjänsten bjöds det även på mycket sång och musik. Här är det Rut och Peter som spelar. Kårledarna Irina och Andrejs sjöng också. Du kan både se och höra dem här>>.

Efter gudstjänsten serverades middag för alla mötesbesökarna under ordnade former. Ett matlag i taget gick ut i matsalen, medan de övriga tittade på ännu en kristen film. Riga 2 har offentliga gudstjänster två gånger i veckan och varje gång serveras det middag.

Kåren har ett team av soldater och rekryter som serverar mat och ordnar det praktiska runt gudstjänsterna. Soldaterna och rekryterna är i de allra flesta fall även de hemlösa. Vi letar just nu efter en lägenhet som kan fungera som ett "half way house" för några av soldaterna.

En normal gudstjänst på Riga 2 tar ungefär 5 timmar:
-Kristen film ca 1,5 timmar,
-själva gudstjänsten ca 2 timmar
-samt middagen (med film samtidigt 1,5 timmar)

Peter Baronowsky
Tillbaka till huvudsidan

24 dec. 2009

Söndagsmorgon i Riga den 27 december

Den sista söndagsmorgonen under 2009! En händelserik vecka ligger bakom.

I måndags var den sista dagen vi hade vår julgryta ute. Det ekonomiska resultatet var inte så strålande: 1.500 kronor och fyra pepparkakor.
Men då får man tänka på att det var första gången Riga-borna såg en julgryta och att många inte vet vad Frälsningsarmén är för något. Dessutom var det så kallt så att bara de mest ivriga gjorde sig mödan värt att ta av sig handskarna och ta fram plånboken.
Vi hade planerat att spela julsånger med en brasskvartett, men det var alldelses för kallt för brass-instrument ute. Däremot sjöng flickorna från Riga 1 flera av dagarna. Du kan se och lyssna på dem här>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tzpmaJ8S9s .

Men julgrytedagarna hade med sig andra vinster. Vi delade ut hundratals julkort med önskan om en god jul, ett bibelord och inbjudan till de två kårerna Riga. Vi delade också ut en broschyr med frågan "Frälsnignsarmén-Vad är det?" Dessutom fick vi också tala med många människor. Det hände till och med att vi fick stå och be med några människor ute i vinterkylan.

Effekterna av den ekonomiska krisen blir tydlig i många av samtalen. Till exempel poliserna som kom tillbaka varje kväll. Den första kvällen för att se att alla våra tillstånd var i ordning.
Någon dag senare frågade en av poliserna hur Frälsningsarmén kunde hjälpa hans familj. Hans lön hade blivit sänkt flera gånger. Hans fru var arbetslös och de hade tre barn. Han lön räcker knappt till hyran och kostnaderna för värmen...

En annan effekt av julgrytedagarna var att Lettlands ledande TV-kanal LNT ringde i tisdags. De frågade om de fick göra ett inslag om hur människor kunde hjälpa Frälsningsarmén att hjälpa andra. Det var vår devis på julgrytan "Hjälp oss att hjälpa". Olesja som svarade i telefon frågade förvånat om hur de hade kommit att tänka på Frälsningsarmén. Svaret blev att en reporter hade varit i Gamla stan dagen före och fått en broschyr om Frälsningsarmén.

I onsdags morgon spelade LNT in ett inslag från Riga 2 där Olesja berättade om hur man kunde skänka pengar, kläder eller hjälpa till som frivillig. Medan Olesja berättade visades bilder på duscharna, tvättmaskinerna, klädutdelningen och kårlokalen i Riga 2. Inslaget kommer att visas på måndag morgon.

I övrigt har veckan handlat mycket om julfester och julmöten.

I tisdags åkte Rut med våra ungdomar till Skangal. Ungdomarna har gjort ett fantastiskt fint julspel som de åker och visar på olika barnsamlingar i landet. I Skangal var det ca fyrtio barn från Drusti, Liepa, Sarkani och Seda. Samtidigt var jag på julfest tillsammans med barn och föräldrar på fritidsverksamheten Patverums.

I onsdags var det julkaffe för personalen på regionhögkvarteret och sedan julfest på barnhemmet i Agenskalns.

Julafton firade Rut och jag för första gången ensamma. Det gick bra. Våra barn har blivit stora och har nu egna familjer. På julafton hade vi också en julgudstjänt på Riga 1 tillsammans med kåren och "The International Church", en engelsktalande församling i Riga.

På juldagen fick vi gå upp före fyra på morgonen för att hinna köra till Bauska där vi hade julotta klockan 07.00. Därefter fortsatte vi till Iecava för förmiddagsgudstjänsten klockan 11.00.

Annandag jul var det julmusikgudstjänst på Riga 2. Rut och jag bidrog med duettsånger och musik på kornett och piano. Det var en fantastisk gudstjänst med soldatinvigning, rekrytupptagning, drama, konsert och middag. I morgon kommer ett reportage från mötet med bilder och filmklipp. Missa inte det!

Idag är det söndagsmorgon. Jag vaknar upp till en dag utan någon inskrivet i kalendern. Livet är underbart!

Ha en välsignad vecka!
Peter Baronowsky
Tillbaka till huvudsidan

20 dec. 2009

Familjgudstjänst på Frälsningsarmén i Riga

Söndagen den 20 december var det familjegudstjänst på Riga 1. Barnen framförde ett fantastiskt fint julspel och här är det barnkören som sjunger.
Sömdagsskollärarna som tjänstgjort under terminen avtackas


Bilder från Christmas Carolling i Riga

Bilder och videoklipp från julgrytan i Riga den 20 december 2009

19 dec. 2009

Söndagsmorgon i Riga den 20 december

Söndagen den fjärde advent
Vi börjar se tydliga tecken på att julen närmar sig. Mitt i veckan kom jultomten i form av Arne Nordberg från Bistånd i Västerås. Han hade med sig en fullastad lastbil med hundratals julklappar till barnen, träningsredskap till Riga 2, tusentals filtar till fängelsearbetet i Daugavpils mm.

I torsdags hade vi julfest för vår personal. Ett femtiotal av våra anställda hade lyckats ta sig till Riga i kylan. Bilen från Liepaja på västkusten kom inte fram. Den blev påkörd bakifrån av en lastbil, dessbättre utan personskador. Under julfesten hade Riga Staff Band sin premiär. Vi är egentligen tre medlemmar, men musikkåren blev denna dag förstärkt med en fjärdestämma genom den besökande jultomten. Någon måste ha tyckt att vi spelade bra eftersom vi har blivit inbjudna att spela på gudstjänsten i dag på Riga 1.

I fredags var det en stor julmiddag för de utsatta familjer som regelbundet besökts av vår öppenvårdsarbetare Aldona. Lokalen var festligt dukad för cirka åttio personer och ungdomarna från Riga 1 hade ett fint underhållningsprogram. Rut berättade om Frälsningsarmén och Rut och jag spelade "I´m dreaming of a white Christmas" på kornett och piano.

Så var det i fredags äntligen dags att ställa ut julgrytan i Riga. Enligt uppgift är det första gången sedan frigörelsen som Frälsningsarmén fått tillstånd att ställa ut en julgryta i centrala Riga. Vi har fått en fantastiskt bra plats. Utanför MacDonalds vid ingången till Gamla stan.
Det var inte helt lätt att få tillstånd. Vi fick presentera arrangemanget i detalj, skriva på ansvarsförsäkringar, köpa en försäkring mm. Då allt detta var färdigt måste vi gå med alla papper till stadsarkitekten för att få hans stämpel på att arrangemanget estetiskt passade in i gatubilden.
Vi hade tänkt spela Christmas Carols med en brasskvartett, men den femtongradiga kylan har gjort att det inte går.
Men vi får i alla fall synas och vara ute och tala med människor. Och det är en hel del som stannar och frågar vad Frälsningsarmén är för något, även om de flesta tycker det är för kallt att ta upp plånboken och lägga en slant i bössan.
Riga 2 ansvarade för julgrytan på fredagen, Riga 1 på lördagen och Regionhögkvarteret idag och på måndag.

I lördags var det julfest på Skangal med julklappsutdelning och festligheter för alla barnhemsbarnen. Till och med Rut och jag fick julklappar. Nästa vecka fortsätter julfesterna på våra barninstitutioner med julfest på Patverums (fritidsverksamhet för barn från krisfamiljer) och Agenskalns (vårt barnhem i Riga).

Idag, söndag, ska vi gå på gudstjänst på Riga 1 på förmiddagen och under eftermiddagen ställer vi ut vår julgryta igen. Idag kommer flickorna från Riga 1 att sjunga julsånger vid grytan. Det kommer att bli fint.

Ha en välsignad vecka
Peter Baronowsky

18 dec. 2009

Julgrytan ute i Riga!

Så var det då äntligen dags att ställa ut julgrytan i Riga. Enligt uppgift är det första gången sedan frigörelsen som Frälsningsarmén fått tillstånd att ställa ut en julgryta i centrala Riga. Vi har fått en fantastiskt bra plats. Utanför MacDonalds vid ingången till Gamal stan.
Det var inte helt lätt att få tillstånd. Vi fick presentera arrangemanget i detalj, skriva på ansvarsförsäkringar, köpa en försäkring mm. Då allt detta var färdigt måste vi gå med alla papper till stadsarkitekten för att få hans stämpel på att arrangemanget estetiskt passade in i gatubilden.
Vi hade tänkt spela Christmas Carols med en brasskvartett, men den femtongradiga kylan har gjort att det inte går.
Men vi får i alla fall synas och vara ute och tala med människor. Och det är en hel del som stannar och frågar vad Frälsningsarmén är för något, även om de flesta tycker det är för kallt att ta upp plånboken och lägga en slant i bössan.

17 dec. 2009

An Army that serves God and humanity

The Salvation Army in Latvin media - 2
From “Latvijas Avīze”

In elegant uniforms and with ranks- these are soldiers of The Salvation Army (TSA), working in more than 118 countries all over the world, in Latvia too. Since July of this year, TSA in Latvia is being led by Peter Baronowsky, his deputy being his spouse- Rut Baronowsky.

-What is The Salvation Army and what does it do in Latvia?
P.B.: The Salvation Army is an international movement; a part of the Christian Church, its mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in His name to fulfill people’s needs without discrimination.
TSA was formed in London in 1865 by a Methodist pastor William Booth, who thought that it is hard to tell Gospel to a hungry and dirty man. First one should show the Christian love in action, then the person’s heart will open up to hear the Good News. The motto of TSA is soup, soap and salvation. Therefore in all churches parallel to the religious work, which includes services, Sunday schools, Bible studies, prayer nights, youth nights and women’s fellowship events at al, do the social work too: via soup kitchens and distribution of clothes. We want to reach out with a helpful hand to those people of Latvia and their families, who deal with difficult life situations. This area of action is very visible and also is the one that gets appreciated the quickest.

R.B.: Of course, we cannot solve all problems of Latvia, but our employees do a lot to attract private donations. This enables us to provide specific school children with a warm lunch, as well as to purchase food parcels for those in need. We started this work in November and will continue it next year too. Food parcels will be received by several hundred people.
- What products do you provide in food parcels? How do people assess them?

P.B.: Those are things necessary for a person to survive. Food parcels for families are prepared in the value of Ls 10, for individual people in value of Ls 5. Employees knowing the needs of the specific people, buy the content of the food parcels. Their content can vary besides food including also soap, washing powder and tooth paste. In many places the churches provide a possibility of taking a shower or do the laundry. These services are free of charge.

R.B.: In Cēsis District in Skangale Manor TSA runs a Children Support and Social Care Centre- boarding home “Skangali”. It provides services of permanent social care and rehabilitation for children-orphans and children without parental care, as well as additionally provides such a service as boarding home, although during the school time children from social risk families do not get to spend much time in Skangale. The other children home was opened in Riga, it is L. Gorksa’s Children and Youth Home. In January a crisis centre for families will open its doors in Skangale.

P.B.: The goal of TSA is to help every child and every adult until the moment when are able to take care of themselves.
- Do you often experience such a positive change?

P.B.: In Riga on Varaklanu street 1, operates our Russian speaking church or Corps, which was recently supplemented with app. 20 church members. A year ago they were in a severe alcohol addiction. Most of them still are without a defined living space, without a job, and it is a miracle that they survive in on the street or in shelters. The number of people looking for our support and help increases constantly.

R.B.: App. 120 people participate in services of this Corps every week. There was a woman and a man, who regularly came to the church, sat embraced and cried. We found out that both of them had lost job, flat, sleeping in separate shelters, but TSA for them was a place to meet with each other and be together. The leader of the Corps or the pastor helped them to find a job and a flat.

P.B.: We have high hopes that in cooperation with Riga’s Dome we will be able to set up a so-called “half-way house”, in which people like afore mentioned couple would be able to reside for a while, while they sort their life out. At the moment after a service they must take their uniform off and return to the street.
-Knowing that for many a warm meal is not that easily accessible how has TSA got involved in this work?

P.B.: Every week we distribute more than 1600 portions of food. The soup kitchen in Daugavpils functions 4 days a week, every time feeding about a hundred people. Twice a week a shower is available, clothes are distributed, Bible studies take place, evening meals and youth activities are organized, but on Sundays they are invited to take part in services. Such churches, for instance, are in Riga, Liepaja, Bauska, Iecava, Liepa, Drusti, Seda, Sarkani, Ilmaja and Daugavpils. These are places where churches or the corps function, doing the social work. It is the small local governments that appreciate the work of TSA, because for example in Liepa, Priekuli Region, on November 17 our officer was granted with an Appreciation Certificate for her contribution in charity and education of the society.
I would like to remind that TSA exists in Latvia since 1923. In pre-war Latvia it had 17 Corps or churches, in Riga it had a big night shelter, soup kitchen, TSA helped thousands of poor people. In pre-war Latvia TSA had a very good reputation and it was respected. By the way, our central building in Riga was built by TSA in 1939 for our own needs, yet never had the chance to use it before the war; the first service in this building was held only in 1991, when we claimed our property back and put it in order.
-Where do you get finances to help?
It is a support money of church members, donations or tithes. But knowing that many own nothing, the biggest portion of finances we receive from Sweden.
- From Sweden because that is the country that you come from?

P.B.: When Latvia regained its independence, Sweden agreed to take the responsibility of re-starting the work of TSA in Latvia. At the moment, the majority of TSA work is carried out by Latvian officers, who are Latvian pastors. We have wonderful employees and we are very proud of them.
- What do you gain from this work personally?
- The best reward is when we see people’s lives changing. Meeting with God for some people is so powerful that miracles take place- a person who has been an alcoholic for years, stops drinking. As it is said in the Bible: when that happens, you are born again. We have worked with alcoholics for many years in Sweden. We know how hard the battle is with oneself. But changes take place, and that calls us to continue what we have begun. Material world will never be able to satisfy a man to the depths of one’s heart. We personally know lots of wealthy people, who actually are desperate. And there are just as many people, who have nothing, yet they radiate in joy and happiness.

16 dec. 2009

The Salvation Army in Latvian press

From Tiksanas Magazine, Latvia:
The Salvation Army began its work in Latvia in 1923, in 1943 it was stopped. The next almost fifty years TSA in Latvia functioned underground, but after the renewal of State’s independence, the work of the Army was renewed too.
The Salvation Army is special with its view that religious and social work must be equal. The founder of The Salvation Army William Booth thought that it is difficult to tell the Gospel to someone who is hungry and dirty. The motto of The Salvation Army is: soup, soap and salvation. In order to find out how it works today, I am speaking to the leaders of TSA in Latvia- Rut and Peter Baronowsky.

PB: We understand that this winter will be difficult for almost everyone in Latvia; therefore we have started various programs, in order to help better to the people, whom we can reach. We are a Christian Church, and in December new church members will be enrolled.

RB: We also understand that The Salvation Army in Latvia is not as well known as in the world. The Salvation Army and its work is well known in more than 116 countries, it is a Christian Church with a strong social consciousness. We want The Salvation Army in Latvia to be known as a strong Christian Church with social programs. For this reason we want to speak to people and to help them.

-The Salvation Army in Latvia was renewed after the regaining of the independence, but it is true that it is not that well known, it is less noticed among other denominations.

PB: It is true. From 1943 until regain of independence Soviet authorities forbid the work of The Salvation Army in Latvia, we don’t know everything that happened here. Yet traditionally in the world The Salvation Army is well known with the fact that it does more than it speaks. It is a practical Christianity. Right at this moment The Salvation Army in Latvia is growing. Since we have become the regional leaders of TSA in Latvia, we have had the opportunity of taking part in enrollments of new church members in three churches.

- How did you experience Salvation?
- My nationality is Swedish, I grew up in a Christian family- my parents were officers of The Salvation Army. But it was different with me. At the age of 25, I was married and we had our eldest son. We took part in various church activities and we knew that there is a God, who loves us, but I hadn’t experienced Him personally. Yet I was longing for and began seeking Christ as my personal Savior. I found Him, and I was saved. Before this I only thought that may be I am a Christian, but now I could confirm this for 100%: yes, I am a child of God! This was followed by baptism in the Holy Spirit. I used to say: from this moment began my great adventure!

-How should one seek to find?
- That is a long story. Among the members of TSA church in Stockholm, revival had broken out. Young people, whom we had known for a long time and with whom we went into the world, suddenly told us that they have found Jesus and are filled with the Holy Spirit. As my parents were true Christians, my knowledge of Christianity was quite solid, I knew about the second coming of Jesus, which scared me a bit. Deep down in my heart I had an assurance that this is the truth. I also knew that I am not ready for it yet. We had moved into a new house, we didn’t know anyone. At one point I noticed that Peter wasn’t besides me. I went to look for him outside by our garage where our cars were parked. The door was opened, but the keys were on the ground. But Peter is an accurate man, it wasn’t characteristic to him. Suddenly I thought: God has spoken to me and Jesus has come! I ran up the stairs and called my mum thinking to myself: if she picks up the phone, then Jesus hasn’t returned yet. One by one I heard the beeps. Finally I heard my mother’s voice and I knew Jesus hadn’t come yet. At that moment I realized how serious it is. Later on I spoke to our pastor, a very clever woman, who prayed for me and asked me to truly accept God. I wanted to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, but I was scared, as I had heard different things about spirits, e.g. that people fall down to ground etc. But she said to me: Rut, Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jesus. If you will ask Him into your life, to fill your heart, He will not meet you in a violent way. He knows how you are feeling. He knows you are scared. He will meet you in a way you will be able to accept Him. Then she prayed for me and I received the Holy Spirit Baptism, initially not with too much emotion or feelings.

PB: I also grew up in a Christian home, but I can not say that I sought God a lot. I am that kind of a person, who is mostly satisfied with life. No arguments could make me change my life at that time, because you can always find better arguments not to have to change anything. But during this charismatic revival in 1975 our friends had met God, and when I saw that, I grew very jealous of it. Paul speaks about it in his letter to Romans, chapter 11, saying: if I can not reach my countrymen (Jews) in any other way, I will make them jealous. I saw my friends living a life that I didn’t live, and this created a hunger and thirst in me. My adventure with God began on a Sunday evening after the service. We wanted to conclude the evening with prayer, but me and five six other young men experienced Holy Spirit coming down on us. To me personally it reminded the day of Pentecost- people around us definitely thought we were drunk, as we had completely lost control over ourselves. We laughed, cried and hugged. It went on for hours. From this moment on my life was transformed. I had new thoughts; I had a hunger for God’s Word. We always read the Bible not because we had to, but because we could not stop. There was a hunger for a deeper relationship with God. This has moved me forward in life.

- Probably this influenced your relationship too, you definitely loved each other even more?
- Actually it all got a bit more complicated (laughs). Lots of times we had to ask forgiveness to each other, we had to bend our knees and ask God to lead us in His forgiveness. Since that time every Friday evening we invited people to our home for prayer. Every Friday after work it happened that misunderstandings arose between us, but we knew we can not welcome people in this atmosphere, therefore we humbly had to kneel in front of God and ask for forgiveness. These prayer Fridays continued every week for five years. Lots of people got saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. Many of these people are in full time ministry now.

RB: We are not only a wife and a husband; we are like sisters and brothers who can crawl up in Father’s lap together. In humbleness we must face each other and then God. It is a great honor, if you can approach God together with someone.
PB: We pray together several times a day. We know that prayer is a problem for many couples. When you know someone really well, you can not pretend anymore. Everyone can pray well at the church, but when you know all about someone, then the prayer becomes real.

- How did God lead you into the work of TSA?
- When we had these prayer groups in Stockholm, both of us worked full time in positions which were not directly related to Christianity. Yet after app. 5 years God began speaking to us. It is interesting that He always speaks to Rut first, it is easier for Him to access Ruth than me as I am always rather content with everything I do. I would have been able to keep going with the prayer group until the end of my life! At that time I was a teacher, Rut worked at the local government. We came to an agreement and said to God: if You will tell us where to go and what to do in a way that we will have no doubts that it’s You speaking to us, we will go anywhere You send us. At that time they were looking for TSA leaders for a school in Norway. I applied for this job and went for an interview and they wanted me to take the job. On Friday, just before the prayer meeting, I received a phone call from the leader of the school, who confirmed that I can get this job as long as I make my decision until Sunday, otherwise they will take the other applicant. After the prayer, I went for a long walk with God saying: when I come back home, I will sit down in my chair, I will open my Bible with the daily reading and if that place will clearly speak about me having to go to Norway, we will do that. Otherwise we will stay where we are. I felt very satisfied thinking: it might not speak about going exactly to Norway! But in the first chapter I read, these words were written: I do not send you to people whose language you will not understand!- Swedish and Norwegian are similar enough for people to be able to understand the other. Of course this does not work as an approval to everyone who wants to go to Norway, but in this specific situation in our lives I knew what it meant. It was not the best time for moving. Rut was pregnant with our third child. Three weeks after the birth we moved to Norway, knowing no one there. In Moss we served for 9 years, the students of the school were from 18-25. I taught the Bible, Rut taught music and the Bible, we taught also English speaking students. It was God’s work. At that time more than 100 people became Christians. From them 40 have become pastors, TSA officers in various countries. These were difficult years, but victory always is complicated.

-But Norway is a land of welfare, why were those years so complicated?
- Economically not, but at that time Norway was not that wealthy yet, although life standard was very different from that in Sweden. Oil extraction was started only later. But it was complicated in a different way. First of all, we had gone to a different country and culture. We were isolated- we waited three years in order to receive a phone. We had three little children and we ourselves were very busy. Still, we are grateful to God for these years.

RB: A price must always be paid to get the victory.

PB: After nine years we began planning our return to Sweden. To our employees we said that we want to terminate out responsibilities at the school, but we did not have other job offers in Sweden. But shortly before it was time to leave for Sweden, we received a phone call from a Salvation Army person in Sweden, who offered us to establish and run an education institute for TSA employees in Sweden. This was our job for the last twelve years before coming to Latvia. We were the leaders of the institute; we educated social workers, local leaders, officers, employees of different levels, lead courses. Teaching is our life. But after these 20 years God again told us: well done, but enough now. We had reached the age when we could retire, but then TSA asked us to think about going to Latvia and taking the responsibility of the regional leaders of TSA in Latvia. To be honest, we were not that interested. But then one day we were on our way to Oslo in the car, as TSA had offered us again a job in Norway. We had to travel for 8 hours, Rut and I talked a lot, of course, not all eight hours; we spent some time in quiet too. So, after a moment of this kind of silence one of us said: may be we should go to Latvia? And the other one replied: yes, my thoughts exactly! This is why we are here.

-Now you have gained such a maturity that you are sent to a nation whose language you do not understand?
- This really is the truth. We were ready to come here, because we knew that God wants so.

-Did you know that you would come to Latvia in the time of crisis?
RB: The decision was made in the spring of 2008. For more than a year we knew we would come here, the crisis situation came later.

PB: It is good to be here, because we see that we can fulfill some goals.
RB: We, of course, can not change this crisis, but we believe God has resources and we want to release them. On every step we see how complicated that is, but TSA works in places where no other churches are. We work in villages, where children live in terrible situations. We have set up special programs for children, of course, realizing we can not help all children of Latvia. We had an opportunity to raise some funds abroad with an aim to pay for school lunches for children, whose parents can not afford it. If our officers meet a child who would benefit from this help, we meet with the local government and ask them to take care of their children. If for some reasons this is impossible, we take care of these children. We have raised funds to provide food parcels for families and individuals, who are in a need of it.

PB: In total such a help is provided to more than a hundred families and people, excluding our regular activities, e.g. soup kitchens. This help is additional, especially in the crisis situation. The parents of children, whom we help, often are alcohol addicts and therefore they need special programs. For example, in one of our children homes we have set up a special program for children of pre-school age living nearby, they are provided with two meals a day and a possibility to take a shower. There are children who have never seen a shower before. They are provided with medical help and help with acquiring a pre-school program. We are grateful to have such fantastic people who work in these conditions. They are heroic people. In one of the towns a man with a criminal past came to our church. Before he was saved, he had committed a criminal act. Then he got saved, besides got married too. But still he had to face the court for what he had done before. If a person has a criminal past, the sentence of the court usually involves referring this person to a place of imprisonment. He was ready for that, but the leader of the Corps had written a letter to the Court, thus the sentence of the Court was three years on probation. This man has become a member of TSA, and his life is completely transformed!

RB: In Riga we have a social worker, who regularly visits at home more than 50 families in difficult situations. This employee helps also with food parcels, yet her mission is to become a friend to these people, to pray with them. I went along one day, that day we visited three families. The last woman we visited had a severe disability, but during the visit she expressed a desire to accept Jesus. The conditions of this woman were tough, still she accepted in her heart Jesus.

- Seeing all the suffering, especially when kids suffer, have you never wanted to ask God: why?
PB: Life is unfair; I too could have been born as one of these children, I am no better than them. But God is good; He will always help us to find a way out of these circumstances. We are happy to be able to help them. In many situations it is almost impossible to help, but that it God’s specialty- making impossible situations into possible ones. We have three goals that we want to fulfill during these thee years. The first one- people must be saved. This is the most important. We are not here to help people to survive, but to help them have their lives transformed. The second- that these people would become disciples. Only disciples can make disciples. The third- we want to help those who are suffering. These three things are always the focus of our attention.

-There is a point of view that some of these people are ready to listen to the Gospel only to get a food parcel.
- I believe that Jesus wants us to help them to survive. Because what you have done to the least, you have done to me. These are Jesus’ words. We do this for Jesus. Our social work is not separated from our spiritual work. If we listen to what Jesus is saying: take care of the poor. If you listen to Jesus, you will hear Him cry for the poor.

RB: Very often the hearts of the people who go through suffering are more open to the Gospel. But people, who enjoy welfare, think that they can cope with everything on their own. People who are poor often respond to God, saying “yes!”

PB: May be this is the answer to your first question, why TSA is not that well known in Latvia. The majority of people that we deal with have nothing, they can not invest anything financially, they live in poverty. They are not representatives of Saeima, nor representatives of any other high rank. They are not the people, who others would listen to. But in God’s eyes they are just as worthy.

RB: Even if someone does come only for a plate of soup, we believe, that Jesus calls us anyway to fight with the evil all around us.

- God’s Words says: one who lends money to a poor person, lends it to the Lord. Does that mean to give money to people begging on the streets?
PB: Of course, we do that. Often someone cheats us. It already happened one night. A boy was asking for some money, even cried, but already the next night we saw him being let out of a Mercedes to beg again. But it is a good question and we have thought about it a lot. We could look at it in two ways. What we can give from our means, we give that to our church TSA. In this way we can help lots of people. Or we can give to people whom we meet on the road of our life. Planning expenses, strategic giving to the Lord will always result in a better investment. But, of course, sometimes we give to the beggars too, but it does not happen too often.

- Are the finances of TSA made of its members’ tithes?
- No. If church members have nothing, how much will be 10% from nothing? Of course, there are situations, when tithes increase, because we teach about it. If we have only little, it is a blessing that from that we can give to God.

RB: TSA work in Latvia is supported by TSA in Sweden. Latvia and Sweden are one territory of TSA.

- But thinking biblically, tithing also for a poor person is a point of take-off for doing better in life.
- And that is exactly why we teach about tithing. But we also are developing a program for volunteers; we believe that there are people in Latvia at the moment, who can give a lot. Of course, tithing is very important, but a person can participate also with one’s hands, presence and knowledge. It is important for us that in this way too people can help us.

PB: Tithing is not a precondition for becoming a church member of TSA. No one will look at your fingers to see how much you are giving. But of course tithing is a blessing. But you can not give an order to a person to get them blessed.

- You have been teachers of a Bible school for many years. Which do you think are the most essential truths to be taught to every Christian?
- I would say: first, you should have a living relationship with God; you must learn listening to Him. If you will listen to God, you will not need the second and third point. Of course, you should read the Word, because it is a natural way of God speaking to us. It does not happen someplace in the air, it happens through His living Word.

RB: Obedience is important. If you act according to your own will, not in obedience to God, nothing will help. When you are obedient, you will experience Him more and more.

- Please, tell about your charity kettle campaign in Riga at Christmas time.
- TSA organizes this campaign all over the world. This social campaign is explained with a kettle in which people can donate money. This kettle is placed at a visible public place and various activities happen around it. In Latvia this year we will sing Christmas carols, will tell about our work in TSA, it is very likely that we will even have a little brass band playing Christmas songs, as well as there will be people who will be ready to speak to people. We pray and hope to get all the required permissions in order to be able to set up the red kettle in three places of Riga- by McDonalds in Old Town and in shopping centers “Alfa” and “Mols”. This campaign takes place in Bauska and Liepaja too. In Riga we will do this for the first time. We hope to bless people in Riga with music, words and songs.

- How long will this campaign continue?
PB: In Riga it will happen two days, on a Sunday before Christmas. In “Mols” we hope to be for a whole week, as one of TSA Corps- Riga II church- is situated very near to it. They have 20 church members, who used to be alcohol and drug addicts, but now are saved and free of their addictions. Still majority of them are without a home. I think it is a miracle- not being enslaved by the alcohol again living on the street. They go to the church house every day, they work and help there. At the moment they are unemployed and homeless, but they help to cook and distribute clothes to people. This church has human resources that will serve at the Red Kettle every day. Riga I church, which is situated in the centre, is a bit different. It is quite a large church formed of youth and families. With our arrival the level of the average age group grew quickly. (Laughing). Our churches are very different, but we love all of them.

- Do you think the crisis will increase and grow deeper in the world, and does that confirm that Jesus is coming soon?
- A very interesting question. I will tell you a secret! We have never been closer to Jesus’ second coming than now. The West world is recovering from the crisis at the moment, but this situation of crisis will return. Now there are lots of signs, which Bible spoke about two thousand years ago, which now are becoming a reality. At the moment there are lots of events which are preparing the scene for Jesus’ second coming.

RB: It is like a signal, as a burning house, so that we would go to people with the message that they can get saved. We have to preach Salvation.

PB: Jesus said: when all these things start happening, raise your heads, because your Salvation is near. We are not afraid, as we do not expect to simply meet with someone; we await to meet with Jesus. Sometimes I long for it so much that I pray with the last words of the Bible: Maran ata, Jesus, come soon!

- How do you feel as a woman in uniform?
RB: Actually I feel very good, because I am proud about the uniform I am wearing. We have a sense of unity in TSA, we serve together. TSA is a church that has encouraged women to preach, TSA has acted as a pioneer in this area. Catherine Booth- the wife of TSA founder William Booth was a very progressive preacher. Therefore TSA has preserved the conclusion, that there are women who preach. As a TSA officer, a pastor, my duty is to wear uniform in official events where churches are represented. The kind and usage of this uniform is the same as of other uniforms. To me as a pastor-woman it gives the same obligations as to pastors-men.

-Have you not felt the respect of people due to this?
- But I hope not the distance.

-What do you children do?
PB: Oh! We have three wonderful sons. Our youngest son is already 30 years old, he also is a father now. Our middle son is 32 years old and he also is a father! Our eldest son is 39 years old and he has three children! They are very active in different churches, and we are grateful to God that He has found a way to speak to them, we are grateful that they are committed Christians. But they are far away, we do not see them often, we met with the whole family only once the last summer. This year we became Grandparents twice, but mostly we see everything on photos! THE END.

13 dec. 2009

Söndagsmorgon i Frufällan den 13 december

Veckan började med en rejäl magsjuka. Det började redan under förra helgen då vi hade besök av yngste sonen med familj. Jag var sängliggande flera dagar och fick inte se så mycket av besöket.

På tisdagen var jag tillbaka på spelplanen igen och då var det sammanträden både förmiddag och eftermiddag.

På onsdagen gjorde vårt ”Finance & Property Board” en dagsutflykt till nordöstra delen av landet för att se på expansionsmöjlighter för verksamheterna i Seda och Sarkani. I Seda hade vi soldatinvigning för ett par söndagar sedan. Lokalen är på knappt 20 kvadratmeter och där var samlade över 35 personer för att vara med på högtiden. Många fick naturligtvis stå under gudstjänsten och flera fick stå ute i den trånga hallen för att försöka se och höra något. Några fick till och med stå utanför och titta in genom fönstren. Efter nyår ser det ut som om vi kan få möjlighet att ta över hela byggnaden. Idag finns det i byggnaden en läkarcentral med ett samlingsrum och flera kontor. Vi fick möta både representanter för den lokala förvaltningen i Seda och för storkommunen Strengi. Kommunens representanter talade mycket uppskattande om Frälsningsarméns arbete i Seda.

Därefter åkte vi vidare till Sarkani. Där bedriver Frälsningsarmén sin verksamhet i en utkyld liten lägenhet på andra våningen utan vatten. Kårledarens önskemål är att vi i stället ska få hyra två lägenheter i våningen under som står tomma. Den ena våningen har vatten. I den andra finns en toalett, men den är inte ansluten till systemet och det är osäkert om det överhuvudtaget finns några rör. Sarkani är en totalt förslummad by bestående av några tvåvåningshus på en åker. Hyran per lägenhet är inte oöverkomlig. Åtta Lat per månad (ca 120 SEK). Hälften av lägenheterna är tomma. Ingen vill bo där frivilligt.
En annan orsak till att vi vill flytta ned verksamheten en trappa är att taket har börjat läcka i övervåningen och att det förmodligen tar ett tag innan vattnet når ned till undervåningen. Vi kommer att kontakta kommunen för att försöka få ett hyresavtal på lägenheterna.

Efter torsdagens sammanträden tog vi kvällsflyget till Stockholm för att kunna vara på sammanträde på HK under fredagsförmiddagen.

Rubriken på denna bloggpost är ”Söndagsmorgon i Frufällan”. Någon kanske undrar vad Frufällan är för något, var ligger det och vad vi har där att göra?

Orsaken till besöket i Frufällan är ett barndop i Kinna. Det är mellansonens förstfödda som ska döpas och eftersom svärdotterns föräldrar bor i Kinna, och äldste sonens familj bor i Frufällan (mellan Borås och Fristad), och att vi kunde samåka med yngste sonen som bor i Stockholm så var Kinna en ganska passande plats. Det var andra dagen i år som hela familjen var samlad. Den första gången var en sommardag i Varberg.

Nu är det, som sagt, söndagsmorgon i Frufällan och familjegudstjänsten i Fristad väntar. Dessutom är det lucia idag och på bilden är det ett av barnbarnen som agerar lucia (Fotograf: Johanna Baronowsky).

Efter gudstjänsten bär det av tillbaka till Stockholm med bil. Ytterligare ett sammanträde måndag morgon och därefter tillbaka hem till Riga.

Ha en välsignad vecka
Peter Baronowsky

3 dec. 2009

Söndagsmorgon i Riga den 6 december

Så var det söndagsmorgon igen. Den andra advent. Dags för veckans återblick och summering.

Under veckan har vi nåtts om den tragiska nyheten om sexövergrepp på barn på en av Frälsningsarméns förskolor. Läs inlägget från i fredags>> . Det är så tragiskt för så många att man nästan inte orkar ta in det. Men vi får fortsätta att be för alla berörda.

I måndags redovisade en av våra många tillsatta arbetsgrupper, PR/Media-gruppen, sitt arbete för vårt Strategy-Board. Frälsningsarmén är i Lettland relativt okänd och vi behöver bättra på kunskapen om Frälsningsarmén för att underlätta vårt samarbete med myndigheter, näringsliv och männniskor vi är till för. Gruppen har redan åstadkommit mycket. Bland annat två artiklar i olika lettiska tidningar:
Intervju i Latvijas Avize
Nytt reportage i Lettlands största kristna tidning

Terminens sista ledardag
Vi har även under veckan haft terminens sista ledarsamling. Vi samlar en dag varje månad alla ledare till en dag av undervisning, bön och information. Under ledardagarna i höst har vi fokuserat på frälsning. Vi är en Frälsningsarmé och vårt uppdrag är att människor ska bli frälsta.

Kampen mot tiden

För att komma in på vår innergård med våra FA-bilar måste vi åka genom en port på en granngata (som vi betalar månadshyra för att få köra igenom). Vidare måste vi köra över en skolgård (där det ibland pågår fotbollsmatcher och andra rast- och gymnastikaktiviteter). Det är inte alltid det är möjligt för oss att komma in eller ut med våra bilar.
Därför planerar vi att öppna en egen passage genom Frälsningsarméns hus. Det var så huset byggdes en gång i tiden, men under sovjettiden stängdes den passagen.
För att förbereda infarten måste vi stenlägga en annan del av innergården än den vi nu parkerar på.
Det har varit en kamp med tiden. Snart kommer kylan och snön och då måste stenläggningsarbetet avslutas. Kanske ända fram till våren. Arbetarena har arbetat hårt under långa dagar. Blden under togs i torsdags. En av arbetarna ligger på knä. Antingen ber han eller också lägger han sten. Jag tror att bägge sakerna behövs.

En höjdpunkt i veckan är att vår yngste son, hans fantastiska fru och deras fantastiska dotter är på besök under helgen. Det är inte så ofta som vi får möjlighet att träffas nu för tiden, men det är lika fantastiskt varje gång. Dottern håller fortfarande på att ta sig igenom sitt första levnadsår och det händer så mycket mellan varje gång vi träffas.

Ha en välsignad vecka
Peter Baronowsky

1 dec. 2009

Nytt reportage i Lettlands största kristna tidning

I decembernumret av Tiksanas, Lettlands största kristna tidning, är huvudartikeln en sex sidor lång intervju med Rut och Peter om Frälsningsarméns arbete i Lettland.
Du kan se tidningen och även bläddra här>>. Om du kan lettiska kan du även läsa den. Om inte, kommer det en engelsk översättning så småningom.